Saturday, November 08, 2008

All celebrated out...

Make a Wish!, originally uploaded by tjsmommabear.

Our 3rd and final birthday celebration for Travis was awesome! The Grandparents went all out for this one. They got Travis a Diego bike with training wheels. The Diego cake turned out really well, too. I was a bit nervous about whether the edible icing transfer would work out... but it did awesomely... and I am happy to say I did NOT spend 3+ hours hunched over a cake piping out 10,000 fucking buttercream stars like I did the previous 2 years. Woohoo!! Even worse was last year when I was very pregnant and did so without the benefit of many glasses of wine.

But, now? I am tired. I did get up too damned early this morning. Grandma and Daddy are taking care if story time right now. I think we are going to the Jelly Belly Factory for a tour tomorrow! Woohoo!! :)

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