Monday, November 26, 2007

Tis the Season....

This last week has been a blur.... all the build-up that comes with the holiday season. Peppermint Mochas from Starbucks. As long as there are only 3 pumps of peppermint, then there's no heartburn! Woohoo! Thanksgiving times 2.... cooking, baking, cleaning, shopping, tree lighting.... frantically trying to finish up gift knitting, and the digitally scrapbooked calendar for 2008 for the family in my "free time." Sigh. Free Time? There's free time? HA! :)

Also, I am officially a NaBloPoMo failure. Buit, I'm okay with that, and you should be, too! :)

Next Saturday we find out if baby #2 is a girl or a boy. I am really excited, because the bonding when I was pregnant with Travis REALLY set in when we knew he was, indeed, a Travis.

And, also, my milk? It's completely gone. Well, except for a few drops of colostrum. So, as of Thanksgiving, we are no longer breastfeeding. I was a little sad, but also breathed a little sigh of relief. I didn't want to tandem nurse... really I didn't.

The sweet thing is, Wednesday morning when Travis woke up, he asked for Cuddles (to nurse) - normally I'd tell him no, because we've only been nursing for nap and bedtime for quite some time. But, I said okay, and enjoyed just laying there, stroking his hair, while he nursed, unbeknownst to either of us, for the very last time.

I wonder how many times we've nursed in the last 3 years, 15 days. How many sweet moments have we shared. How many times I've been able to soothe him, after a fall, a bump, when a teething tooth was really bothering him, when his tummy was upset, when he was tired, cranky, sad, or uncomfortable for some unknown reason?

My magical panacea may be gone, but the memories, and close relationship we've forged will never fade.
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