Friday, April 08, 2005

Tiny miracles.

Stupid rain! I hate it....

My friend Jen had her twins on Wednesday. She had an emergency C-section. She had the same OB that we had. The twins are 4 weeks premature, but both are over 5 lbs, weighing in at at 5lbs, 9oz, and 5lbs, 3 oz which is good news. The bad news is that the bigger girl (Vanessa) is up at the NICU at U.C. San Francisco right now with lung issues. Since she was premature, the surfactant hadn't completely developed in her lungs. I guess the avioli in her lungs didn't open up right with her first breaths, and now one of her lungs has a tear in it. Poor girl! The other twin (Desiree) is doing well, still getting IV fluids, etc. She can't eat yet, I guess.

It makes me that much happier to have had a healthy full-term single pregnancy.

She can't even go see her baby Vanessa right now... because of her C-section. Not even when she gets out of the hospital on Monday, SF is almost a 2 hour drive away from here, and Desiree won't be out of the hospital for awhile. Her husband is driving up there to see Vanessa right now. I wish they could all be together as a new family, instead of going through this right now. It'so sad. To make it worse, Jen has a 6 year old from a previous marriage, and no family here. Only her ex-husband and his mom. Her mother passed away about 10 years back, her dad is God knows where, and her new husband moved here from Lebanon a few years ago without his family.

I'm not the praying type, but if you are, maybe you could spare a few for them?
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