Sunday, March 20, 2005

Teethy boy, and the weekend

My poor little guy is teething. :(

I took him into the pediatrician Monday because he was yanking on his ears, and I thought maybe he had an ear infection.

Doctor proclaimed him to be in great health, and that he was most likely beginning to teethe.

In the past week, he's started drooling, chomping, he has a rashy butt, lots of poops, and today I could see where the tooth is coming through, on the lower left side. He's been extra cranky today. We got him some numbing gel, and he's crashed out right now on Tylenol.

I love him so much! I'm sad to see him in pain. Sigh. Yesterday we met Jeff's Mom, sister, and husband for shopping and dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in San Jose. The trippiest thing happened! We went to the front of the mall to meet them (after driving around for 20 minutes looking for parking) and guess who was out front smoking a cig? Julia! She and Hailey and Toby were up there for the day. What are the odds of that?? We live over an hour away from that mall, and there they were, just like that! Weird, huh?

Today we bought his convertable car seat.

It's an Eddie Bauer. I like it a lot! He's an inch too long for his infant carrier.

We're holding off on the new stroller for the moment. I can carry him in the Moby Wrap for now. We just found out today that we owe $3k more in taxes than we have allocated. If I were to ever go on a rampage and you know, levelled some buildings... the IRS would be gone...I'm just sayin'...(purely conjectural, mais oui!)

Also, the hospital bill for my labor and delivery came the other day, but it is pending secondary insurance billing (yay!), and the registration on my car is due this month. Plus, last month the $300 for my car starter going out was not an expected expense. Sigh. I want the winning lottery numbers, and I want them now!
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