Friday, June 02, 2006

Finally feels "normal!"

It never ceases to amaze me... how leaving town for a few days requires twice as long to fully settle back into "normal" life... WTF is "normal life", anyway?

So this week, we've just done as little as humanly possible. Went shopping today, and scored some loverly sheets for our hard to fit mattress (18 inches!) normally $99.00 - I got them for $39.99. Not bad for 300 count sateen! :)

I also bought some stuff for Travis... of course. His newest obsession is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on Disney. He LOVES that show! He calls Mickey "Dickey", though, how cute is that? Well, he also calls his penis "Dickey," during diaper changes. Thanks to daddy...Heh.

Anyway, going to get my hair cut by a trained professional tomorrow morning.... B's wedding is coming up in two weeks, and we must look fabulous! ;)

Going to dinner w/ my dad & hubby & the Boy now... talk to you later!
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