Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just truckin' along...

Hello! Just sneaking online while The Boy takes a short (I'm sure!) nap. We just got back from our Mom's Group a little while ago... it was fun, as per usual. Not much exciting going on...

I really am getting the itch to move, though. I love the location of our apartment... but I really, REALLY want my own washer & dryer again, and a house has so much more room... sigh. ALso, a ton more $$ than apartment living... but we'll look around to see what's out there.

The Boy is nearly standing unassisted, but not yet. He pulls himself up on everything, but he doesn't think he can stand alone yet... sigh. He's a little late, this one... but I'm not too worried about it. I hope he starts walking soon, though! :)

I am doing well on the weight loss front... walking a couple of times a week with one of the other Moxie Moms
and her little one. He's 4 months younger than Travis, but HUGE! Like already outweighs him by at least 7 pounds. So, that's good... I need to get my hair cut this weekend, and then I will color it at home...

We've been talking about planning a trip out to New Hampshire to visit Jeff's dad maybe in May over Memorial Weekend/Week. It's only $300 something each to fly, and we don't have to pay for Travis, since he will be still under 2 and on my lap... I know, "Meat Missile, etc... but whatever. If the plane goes down, we're all going down.

Jeff was off Monday, and it was nice to just hang out together without family obligations, like on Saturday, and Sunday.

So, yeah... that's about it... mostly nothing too exciting... but just living life, and enjoying our time together... however short it feels.

Well, The Boy is awake now, and wants his Milkies... later!

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1 comment:

Mama C-ta said...

I was and still am so torn over the airplane thing w/a baby. I finally decided to buy the baby b'air and bring his carseat and hope there is an open seat avail. Best of both worlds, free and safety! Hopefully...