Tuesday, February 08, 2005

3 month check-up... SO big!

Poor Travis.... he had to have 3 shots today! :(

But, I took the advice of American Baby Magazine, and gave him Tylenol right after they weighed him. It takes about 30 minutes to kick in.... so of course he did cry during the shots, but by the time we had checked out, and talked to the billing department about an error... (we were billed for over $500 when he was clearly covered under insurance!) Travis was asleep in my arms. He's still asleep in his carseat right now as I type this. :) Sweet boy. I love him SO much!

His 3 month stats are:

Weight: 15 lbs, 9 oz
Height: 26"
Head Circum, 42 cm.

That's my big boy! I love our Ped. I had him when I was a kid, and he's really, really old. Even though he's semi-retired (only has patients 3 days a week) we were able to get into see him.

He's very old-school. He's a HUGE supporter of breastfeeding. I like that a lot!! :) In fact, when he came into the room this morning, I was feeding Travis. He went to wash his hands, and I said kinda apologetically "Oh, I'm just giving Travis some more breakfast."

He corrected me, with a twinkle in his eye: "No, you're just doing the most important thing in the world!" I love Dr. Black!

Anyway... the appointment went great! Dr. Black said not to succumb to the pressures of feeding him anything but my milk for at least the next 3 months. My milk gives him everything he needs right now. He said people (namely Grandparents, and Great Grandparents) want to start shoving rice cereal and baby food into them entirely too early. I completely agree!

Anyway... I'm going to use the rest of my time right now to catch up on a bit of housework... bye!
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