Wednesday, July 21, 2004


Yay! Today ended up being a really good day... We decided to change our 4D ultrasound to this Saturday instead of next Saturday. We were getting very anxious and antsy! I was assured that the baby wouldn't be any more or less bony this week than they would be next week, so I hope the pictures turn out, and we'll know (crossing fingers for uncrossed legs!) what we're having!

Also, I was very pleasantly suprised with a check for $580.00 for 1 month of Disability benefits when I went to check the PO Box. I was so shocked I called my adjuster to make sure it wasn't a mistake. Apparently, since I went to the QME Doctor for my work comp case, and while they're still waiting on my Disability Rating, they're required to pay me $580.00 a month in the meantime up to $2900.00. It's coming out of any money I receive later, but for now, I'm happy. of course, this month I am spending most of it on baby stuff and the 4D ultrasound. We're going to get clothes, and the Universal Carseat stroller thingie and the Latch Loc carseat we want. We were planning on putting it on the credit card, so at least we'll be able to pay cash for it now.


We had pizza tonight... yummy!

But... now I have heartburn... must go chomp some TUMS now...

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