Friday, October 02, 2009

Onward, and upward!

I read something recently that gave me pause.

"You are becoming the parent you are now."

I realize that I need to refocus on the most important things... celebrate the little things, enjoy this time to the fullest, because it is zipping by faster than I could ever had imagined.

I have had some time lately to reflect on things, and internally reorganize my priorities.

I am constantly worrying about things, and I am going to work on trying to push some of that stuff into the background. Work on being more positive. More present. More balanced. Just more me.

So... I'm moving blogs. If anyone even still reads... or even still cares. It's time. To leave this blog behind... and start again fresh, new. Obviously, I am more than just "Tjsmommy" now.

I am still working on importing my old entries - just to have them in one place - I need to get it looking the way I want and then I should be regularly updating again soon.

So, if you want to know my new whereabouts... just comment and I will see you on the flip side.
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Anita said...

I'd like to keep up with you!

Jamie said...

Let me know where to find you please!

Tory said...

Me too!!! ;)

Nellie said...

I was wondering where you were...not in my updated blogs! :D I are becoming the parent you are now. Eek.

Stephster said...

Where you goin?

Schmolzanderson said...

id like to follow you

Rachael said...

Hey Christine! I just started blogging again and reading blogs again. So I need that link Woman! :)