Monday, February 26, 2007

Almost among the living....

So, feeling decidedly less crappy today. Still, crappy, but LESS! Woofreakinghoo!!!

This weekend was super low-key. Laundry (not enough, though!), rain, early dinner @ Jeff's Grandma's Saturday. Yesterday we went to breakfast with my dad. Nice. Rain. Not nice. Grr.

After breakfast, I went to my local yarn store (LYS) for their Sunday morning knitting clinic. I was having some serious-ass issues with my Frog Illusion Backpack. This is the first time I have worked with a chart... so add that in with the fact that the instructions preceding the chart COMPLETELY contradict it, and well. Damn. The poor girl there was all like "this pattern sucks!" Yup. And I was knitting twisted. Like, instead of throwing the yarn UNDER on the knit stitches, and OVER on the purls.... I was doing OVER for both. So, now that's fixed... yeah!
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