Monday, November 06, 2006

All in a weekend's work.... ;)

Ahh. Monday.

Travis is watching Sesame Street in the background. The bread machine is kneading a tasty loaf right now. (I will try and transcribe the recipe soon!) And... let's see?

Since my last entry I have:

~Put together a massive train table, and track for Travis, taking about 4 cumulative hours over an evening and a following morning.

~Consoled The Boy, and performed minor first-aid when he sliced his finger open after getting it stuck in an old VCR during the assembly of train set.. :(

The keeping a band-aid on saga is a whole other blog entry in itself....

~Started my list for Christmas shopping (for others)

~Started thinking about MY list.

~Gotten myself into a near flame war over the Prop 85 issue on another blog.

~ Baked and decorated the famed Mckey Cake. (Pictures to follow... my camera is in the car.)

It took 3 hours to decorate, but it turned out great! :)

~Changed diaper of son the following morning after consuming above Mickey Cake. The "black" Wilton icing tint was really an amalgam of purple and teal... as evidenced by the technicolor icing explosion crap which temporarily stained Travis' backside. Oh, yeah, fun times! Thank goodness for PhysiObebe! That stuff works miracles!

Yup, that's about it, besides tales of houseweork, grocery shopping, laundry, gift unwrapping (for Travis) and travelling 2 hours each way to visit the in-laws. Oh, yeah, can't forget taking a 45 minute drive last night, because I forgot my diaper bag/wallet/cell phone at the in-laws' house. Thank goodness my awesome MIL was taking SIL back to UC Santa Cruz last night.... otherwise I would have had to pay for her to FedEx it to me. Ugh.

So, um, I think that about covers it! :)

Can't believe Baby Boy isgoing to be 2 tomorrow!!!

Working on a digi-scrap layout of his first 2 years. Hopefully I can get it done today to post tomorrow.
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